Friday, February 7, 2014

Did someone say football??

It's been a loooong but exciting and eventful week! For the past 2 years our lives have been absolutely immersed in football and everything involved with competing for college football scholarships. It's a competitive endeavor to say the least. All our dedication and Garrett's incredible hard work paid off on February 5, 2014--aka: NATIONAL SIGNING DAY when he signed a letter of intent with Carson-Newman University. We are beyond proud of him and look forward to seeing him suited up in orange and blue...GO EAGLES!

Garrett in little league

Here he is the beginning of football season his senior year of high school. Quite a change huh?

And here we all are at his signing ceremony--VERY proud mommy moment :)

And that's the biggest thing that happened this week.

But amid all the excitement and brouhaha I did accomplish one semi crafty thing I want to share with you.
I know phone books are just about obsolete but we still have a stack of them and yes, my husband uses them frequently lol. He's got a foot out of the stone ages if only I could just give him a little extra tug on outta there. So I've had those phone books stacked neatly underneath the table where the house phone resides. But no matter how neatly I stacked them they continued to taunt and torment me. And while this isn't an ideal solution--it IS a cost effective one and you know I'm all about cost effective---haha, doesn't that sound much better than cheap?
Here's my solution to hiding the stack of phone books :)
a cardboard box, some metallic spray paint and a pretty ribbon

I had the box left over from Christmas, the spraypaint from a picture frame project I'm working on and the ribbon from my ribbon stash. It doesn't look as discolored on that bottom corner in person but the camera always wants to highlight every imperfection. And as I said, not perfect, but it looks better so mission accomplished!

Thanks for stopping by and come back soon!!


  1. I like this Rhonda. I am getting ready to get a little crafty with a pic for a family reunion auction item.
