Saturday, May 31, 2014

Living life in a mobile home

Being on summer vacation has put my mind into DIY over drive trying to divvy up my ideas into workable categories such as "want", "need", "doable", "affordable", etc. I almost always look to the internet when I decide to take on an unfamiliar project. For example, I'm not the smartest  when it comes to which paint to use on what surface and I've learned over the years that it does matter lol. While perusing different sites and blogs in my quest for information, one thing kept leaping out at me... and that, my friends, is the stigma associated with people who live in a mobile home. Apparently, you must fit a certain stereotype if you live in a trailer. First of all, you MUST be poor and uneducated. Second, you are most certainly a hillbilly or redneck (as if being a "hillbilly" is a bad thing!!) I'm not sure from where this concept originated and perhaps I have a different viewpoint because truthfully I have lived in trailers for much of my life. What I do know is that the idea that you are a lesser person because you live in a mobile home is completely ridiculous as well as outright discriminatory.
My husband and I chose this route because we have a common goal to be debt free as quickly as possible. And by purchasing a mobile home we will be able to attain that goal in less than a third of the time that it would take had we taken on a 30 year mortgage. When we came across this deal it was just too good to pass up. So we live fairly minimally with as few debts as possible. We are happy and content. It might also surprise some people to know that we actually aren't even "poor" (gasp!). Now the hillbilly part of the stereotype? Well, I like to think I am, in fact, a hillbilly. I believe that country folks are the best folks--living in East Tennessee has taught me that and I'm more proud of being from Tennessee than I could even put into words. The people here are incredible. I might have to wave at 10 people on my way to town but I wouldn't have it any other way.  So I guess in a way I do hold true to a part of the stereotype but I'm not ashamed of my home or my roots. And THAT is a great feeling!
 I hope that people are open minded enough to realize that different people have different priorities and nobody should be judged on the basis of their individual choices. And especially not when it pertains to the type of dwelling they choose to make into their homes.
Our home is approximately 1200 sq. feet of actual living space and plenty large enough for our family to be happy and content.
I didn't mean to go off on a tangent but this has really bothered me. I have always been a cheerleader for the underdog--which is just part of my charm lol and I certainly do feel that there is a social stigma attached to anyone who lives in a mobile home (trailer).
As I've stated before in this blog, I believe you don't have to live in an expensive house to have a beautiful or comfortable home. Our homes are what we make them and I like to think that we're making ours warm, loving and inviting.
And now that I've got all that off my chest, I'm going to go see what kind of paint I might need for these ugly plain Jane interior doors :)
I hope I haven't scared anyone off and that you check back again to see what I might have going on next!  I have a million ideas floating around in this old noggin...just might take me a while to get them all accomplished!

And before I forget I have a few before/semi after pictures for your perusal. I wish I'd taken better photos before we moved in but I just took them willy nilly with no real thought process. But at least I had the forethought to at least take a few even though they aren't great.

Also please remember that it's a bit intimidating to open your home up to scrutiny this way so I hope that everyone can be kind :)
That's the original refrigerator in the floor--that's where it was placed during the moving process. And please ignore my poor ugly dilapidated couch...I'm looking for a new one even as I type (YAY!!)'s been a long time coming lol.

Looking at this photo I probably should have moved the high chair but it's not really worth a do over--I do apologize though :)

The kitchen has had the most "updates" with almost all new appliances, new light fixtures, new flooring, paint, faucet, cabinet paint and half finished counter top trim paint.

Gosh you don't realize how something looks to other people until you take a picture. The shelf you see at the end of the hallway holds all our family board games and a couple of photographs. The blue box behind the vacuum cleaner is a vintage scrabble game we 
picked up at Goodwill a couple years ago--it's a prized possession!

Eventually I plan on taking the vanity out of this bathroom and replacing with just a pedestal sink to give the illusion of more space.

And there is a glimpse of a few of the updates or improvements we've made. There are tons still to tackle but we do what we can when we can. My husband works 6 days a week and I try not to nag about projects very're welcome, honey lol.

NOTE: Here are a couple links you might enjoy if you're interested in mobile home remodeling or makeovers!

Just bee'n me
Mobile Home Living

Monday, May 26, 2014

Playing catch up

I guess I haven't been a very productive blogger for the month of May and pickings are rather slim in the way of excuses. I haven't had a lot going on in the creativity department and so I've just not posted.
I did have a couple of minor projects, however and I'll share those with you now.
Living in a mobile home certainly has its limitations when it comes to trying to create an aesthetically pleasing home. I think mobile homes are built and designed more toward functionality. Although, some of the newer homes are stunningly beautiful. My point is that I try so hard to make our home inviting and homey. I also want it to portray who we are as a family unit. I don't feel that we are the typical family and I love that about us. That isn't always easy to portray when it comes to decor though so when I saw a quote--on Pinterest of course lol--I knew I had to use it in our hallway bathroom. There is a lot of laughter in our family and I loved the idea of injecting a little humor into the bathroom decor. So I found the font I wanted to use and some white vinyl and had it cut out in no time. I also really loved the "male/female" bathroom symbol and cut that out at the same time for the outside of the bathroom door.
I had painted the bathroom a couple weeks back and I promise it isn't AS pink as it looks in the photos lol.

If you're on the potty, this would be directly in front of you :)

This on the outside of the bathroom door...not sure the dimensions but approximately 6-7 inches in height.

And here is the other side of the bathroom. With all the neutral colors I hope the "seasoned loganberry" works to bring a splash of color to that room. Overall, I really like it :)

Other than those little projects, I've also been babysitting my grandson a few days a week while his mom has been working.
I got a couple of projects done or at least started outside as well so I HAVE been busy.
AND Garrett had his high school graduation. Graduation day brought feelings I can't really form into words-- It's a sad and happy day all at the same time. Here is a picture of my favorite 2014 graduate.

And finally, while I was taking pictures of the bathroom to share, I took a couple of the hallway because I don't think I've ever shared that side of the hallway. It's just a curtain rod with some scrapbook layouts hung from it. The plan was to switch the layouts out with others every now and again but I'm ashamed to admit that I've never changed them. Maybe I'll do that soon :) NOTE: This is the wall opposite the wall with the "family tree".

And that's about all I have to share today. Hopefully, now that it's SUMMER VACATION (YAY!!!!!) I'll get some crafting accomplished.
If you read through this entire post, then thank you so much and keep checking back!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

I think most Mom's consider themselves blessed and I am no exception. I have 4 kids of my own and 2 that I consider my own. I have grandchildren and daughter-in-laws that I love beyond expression. My own Mama is not here anymore and I miss her more than I could put into words. BUT that isn't what I want to focus on tonight. No, I want to focus on just how privileged I am to have an amazing husband and family.
Last night at a little after midnight my two children who still live at home came into my bedroom bearing a card and a couple of small gifts. They brought a single red rose, some Chips Ahoy Reece's cookies, a scented candle and a card with a beautiful message. On the outside of the envelope, my eighteen year old wrote "To: Wanda Burnett" which gave me my first chuckle. It's an old reference to a time when that same child was lost in WalMart and couldn't pronounce my name properly and they kept calling for "Wanda Burnett" over the intercom and I had no idea they were calling ME.  Also on the envelope he wrote "from: your children (basically just Garrett) with a smiley face. The card sentiment was sweet and he spent time picking the card. It was completely worth being woken up for and just the two of them coming in with their goodies was precious.
Shortly after they left and I was drifting back to dream land, I got a precious text message from Eddie which is now "locked" in my phone's inbox.
And today I got a visit from our oldest son and his family with a card that melted my heart and a beautiful pink Azalea bush which is now planted beside the front porch. AND lunch with my husband at Long John Silver's--hey, it wasn't my first choice but Applebee's was so packed that people were parking in the grass (yes, I'm serious lol). Ruby Tuesday and Cracker Barrel were also packed so LJS was the next best option. And I do love Long John's shrimp.
And that was my Mother's Day in a nutshell. I hope all you mother's, grandmothers, step-mother's, aunts and any other person with kids in your lives had a great day.
Thank you to my family for making today a special day--I love you guys beyond words!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's all in the details

When I walk into someone's home-whether I've been there 20 times or whether it's my first time across the threshold-my eyes automatically overlook any kind of mess or clutter and go directly to the details that stand out to me. It could be as simple as the cobwebs in the corner or it might be a huge eyesore of some sort. For example, when there are minor renovation projects in progress such as patching a hole in the wall or a wall half painted. I guess it's harder to put into words than I anticipated. But this all applies to my thoughts as I walk into my own home as well...I am always striving to see it as others see it and not become too complacent with the details. There've been several areas over the 6 or so years we've lived here that have bugged me (more like haunted and tormented me lol) but as I've stated before, we are on a budget and have priorities...oh those pesky bills and kids.
When we bought this mobile home we had to change the furnace from gas to electric due to financial considerations at the time. When we did that it opened up a gaping hole above the furnace covering in the hallway. Oh immediately, my husband assured me we could make use of that space--he could put a couple of shelves there and we could use it for storage. Well, all those years later and it is still an ugly, dusty, half painted gaping hole. He has good intentions but they don't always come to fruition. 
I came up with my own solution :) And I am pleased with not only the simplicity and frugality of the project but also how much I like the way it looks. And it's all as simple as a piece of pretty fabric, 2 tension rods and some handy dandy hot glue--hey, this chick is not a sewer lol.

Here is the original "before we moved in" pic

How gorgeous and perfect is this fabric??? 

The ginormous cavernous atrocity--ok maybe that's a little overly dramatic lol.
VOILA!! :) A little paint touching up and it will be finished.

Total price for this project was under $11 and approximately 30 minutes of my time. And though it may difficult to distinguish from the photos, it really made a difference when you walk down the hallway.
I am thinking about getting some black hammered enamel spray paint and painting the furnace cover..what do you guys think?