Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Mobile home remodeling and decor updates

 It's been a minute since my last post, oops...sorry! Just life, life and more life happening the last few months. Nothing too exciting on the remodeling front but I do have some updated decor photos I want to share. 
We did recently update the light fixture in the dining area. I think we also updated the blinds since my last home update post. I *love* my blinds but they are a headache to keep clean and dust free.

Just as a reminder to anybody who's not familiar with our home, we live in a 1997 16x80 singlewide manufactured home. We've been here almost 10 years now and our home has gone through several transformations along the way. It's probably not AS noticeable to outsiders but for me I see every tiny improvement as being one step closer to my perfect little home. Fancy it isn't but it IS paid for and I find tremendous comfort in that.
I love coming in my front door and having that feeling of "home" and I hope that no matter the shape and size of your own homes that every single person reading this feels the same when they open their front door.

These photos are in no particular order and I've left out photos of my scrapbook room, the master bath and also my son's bedroom (although I'll be sharing photos of his room very soon as we're about to do some updates in there!)

When you walk in the front door and look right this is your view.
The bathroom is there at the very end of the hallway. The first
bedroom on the left is my son's room and the 2nd bedroom
on the left is what is my scrapbook room. 

This is our dining area

I love this floral arrangement <3 I painted and glittered the
jars myself and added the jute twine. I got the flowers
from Hobby Lobby--I chose pink because 1. I love pink and 2. I
wanted the flowers to look as real as possible considering they aren't. And
3. I was looking for a good pop of color
The tray I picked up at Ross or TJ Maxx.

This is our laundry room...nothing too spectacular
but I like it :) 

This is the living room from near the front door--my
gallery wall is a work in progress...a slow process, lol. 

kitchen/dining area from the middle of the living room

One side of the living room from the middle of the kitchen

the back hallway taken from the doorway of the master

The dresser in the master bedroom just as you walk in the door

Haha...yes, that's a pile of shoes (and my purse) in the corner...I'm
really bad about just tossing my shoes to the corner when
I take them off. I should get a nice shoe rack and put it to
use but, if I'm being honest, that's probably not gonna happen, lol. 

This looks horrible I know but I've just not gotten around to
painting that wall when we got our new bed a couple months ago.
Yeah, I suck like that sometimes, lol. 

hallway bathroom...the only thing that's changed in
here since my last bathroom update is the mirror and
a bathroom decor sign I got from Hobby Lobby that you
can't see in this photo

This is the wall on the other side of the living room...
right behind the front door. 
This is the cube shelf I just recently added to the
end of the hallway outside the bathroom and
directly across from my scrapbook room. These cube
shelves are my new favorite thing for storage, hands down!

This is the view from outside the hallway bathroom door.
You can see the door to my son's room on the right.

I know there's been nothing exciting in this post and I apologize but I really just wanted to get these photos posted.
You guys should have figured out by now that there's always another project in the back of my mind so be sure you stay tuned ;)

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