Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Trees and puppies, oh my!

Hey y'all! Just thought I'd post a quick update since it's been awhile. Nothing exciting has happened home-wise since the floors. Oh, except I planted a tree!! Oh my!! We might have a real actual tree in the yard in a few years, lol.
We're fairly limited on planting trees in the front yard because of the water/phone/electric lines which kinda stinks. But, hey, I do love our little piece of America so I'll deal.

It's a Mulberry tree so let's all keep our fingers crossed
that it flourishes and we have berries sometime down the
road :) 

Oh lawsy, pardon the high grass...the weedeater is broken AGAIN.
We looked at some at Lowe's on Saturday but you guys know my
frugal husband by now, lol. At least he's looking...that's always the
first step with him.

OHHH...we also have PUPPIES :) 8 of the most adorable precious puppies that have ever been born. For real. I've never been a huge dog lover because I felt like they were just too much trouble and I had kids to raise. But, after weeks and weeks of warning the boys to not get attached because we weren't keeping ANY of the puppies, "I" am the one whose heart is breaking at the thought of letting any of them go. I have one picked out to keep and another that has relentlessly latched onto my heartstrings ((sigh)). Not sure what to do about that yet...I guess we'll just see if I'm strong enough to let her go.

There's my youngest son and the puppy we're definitely
keeping taking a nap a couple of days ago. Sam woke up to
see what that clicking light was, lol. Isn't he absolutely adorable???

There's our Sam <3 :)

Other than that we've just been living the life and doing our thing.
The school year is winding down (hallelujah) and we have only 10 school days left until summer vacation.

I've been getting some scrapbooking done and I have several layouts I need to photograph and get posted.

I have lots of painting to do in the next few weeks so if you're interested you can check back for those updates later on. Thanks for stopping by.

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