Wednesday, September 9, 2015

revamped entry table

I hope everyone enjoyed a safe and happy long Labor Day holiday. I had a 3 day holiday from work so I started a scrapbook layout (that remains unfinished) and also this project I'm about to share :)

SOOOO....I've been threatening to paint our entryway table for probably 2 years now, possibly longer. The only reason I held off was because my husband is really *really* against painting something that can't be unpainted. He was completely against my painting this table but the truth is that we've had this table for probably close to 10 years. Come on, now....I've had it for 10 years and no longer loving it so what's the harm in a little paint? That's my philosophy lol...and he has his own. But in spite of his protests, I decided on a whim, this past Sunday, that that was the day. I could see the fear in his eyes as I dragged the table outside to start sanding it lol. Bless him, I have to give him credit--as much as I know he was against it, he kept his thoughts quiet haha.

The first photo I'm going to upload is the table *before* and this photo was actually posted to the blog a couple weeks or so ago featuring my birthday number canvas.

Other than painting the table itself I added a couple of candles I already had and the green chevron metal sign behind the hour glass. I picked that up at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and it's just been lying neglected until I find the right spot for it so it's going to reside there at least temporarily. So what do you guys think? Is it ok for the table to be white against a white wall? Should I repaint the table a different color or do the accessories add enough color that it's ok for the table to be white?

As for the table itself, I am fairly pleased with the way it looks. My only concern is that it's too much white on that wall. So feel free to chime in and offer up your thoughts and opinions.

I should have something new for you soon so be sure to keep checking back.
Happy Wednesday and thanks for stopping by!



  1. I LOVE IT! It looks much better white and it isn't too much white on the wall. I feel it gives more dimension and interest!

  2. Thanks, Sharlene! I'm still not completely sold on it but I'm also lazy
