Yesterday my husband and I were in the car together heading for a day of lunch and the "junk store" (as we like to call it)... I think it's actually called The Surplus Store or something like that. Anyway, that's not important lol.
On our drive we somehow got on the subject of happiness and how some people can never seem to achieve it and how sad it is.
My husband looked at me and asked "are YOU happy?"
Maybe he was expecting me to simply say something like "of course" lol, but he got a little more of a mouthful than that. I didn't even have to stop and ask myself the answer because the truth is that YES, I am happy.
My reply to him went something along these lines...not verbatim but close :)
I really am happy. I have a pretty amazing life...I have a wonderful husband who loves me unconditionally and who I love with all my heart. He's my best friend and honestly, my everything. I have beautiful incredible children who are happy, healthy and productive in their lives...and our youngest is on his way toward the same. We have grandchildren that are perfect and whom we adore.
We don't live in a mansion but our little home is OURS (well, it will be in about 18 months lol) and I'm perfectly content with it. Really, what is there to not be happy about?
There was a time not that many years ago when we struggled financially just trying to meet all the bills and raise our kids, making sure to give them as much as we possibly could without sinking ourselves. Tim and I both have had to do without things we wanted and made sacrifices in order to see that they had nice clothes, name brand shoes and the opportunities to go places and do things we weren't able to as children. And we never felt short changed knowing we were providing the best for them that we possibly could. If we struggled to get the electricity bill paid or if we really had to skimp on groceries one week, we kept them sheltered from that.
Thankfully we have reached a point in our lives now where we can live more for ourselves and I absolutely love it. We certainly don't live an extravagant lifestyle by any means. But nowadays I feel like it's completely ok if I go out and buy a new purse, or a new pair of shoes. So what if I spend $6 on hairspray rather than $2??? I spend more than I probably should on hair products lol...but it's OK and it's those simple things that really make me happy. I'm a simple person by nature...I'll never be "fancy" and I don't strive to be. I'm just me and I am happy with who I am.
We still sometimes make sacrifices for the kids if there's something they need or if they get into a bind but they are pretty self sufficient and doing well for themselves. I can't say often enough how incredibly proud I am of them :)
And,the last thing I told Tim during our conversation is that THE TIME FOR LIVING IS NOW! Should we wait until we're too old to start enjoying life? That's ridiculous...we need to be doing our living in the here and now. Sometimes it's the little things that bring the most happiness.
I guess I said all that to say this: People, please try and make the most of the life you're given...the life that's right in front of you...LIVE. Sometimes we get so caught up in existing in the day to day life and we forget that while we're existing, our lives are passing us by. Don't let that happen to you...go out and live life...even the smallest adventures add up to a great life!
I hope you're all as happy and content with your lives as I am...remember "life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful" :)
Have a HAPPY day and don't forget to check back soon!
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